Single, Catholic men who are 18-50 years of age who meet the following pre-requisites:
No really. The program is designed to briefly immerse a single Catholic man into our monastic way of life. If at the end of the program a guy decides to go back into the world, then great; he has had a wonderful experience of a balanced life of prayer, work, and is hopefully holier as a result. If a guy decides that he likes our monastic way of life and God might be calling him to it, then great; he can decide if he would like to spend more time with us. Either way, to dip your foot into a monastic pattern of life is truly life-changing!
For PRAYER: you will join the monks five times a day for communal prayer (Lauds, Mass, Midday Prayer, Office of Readings, & Vespers). You will learn how to privately pray the distinctive monastic form of prayer known as Lectio Divina. Part of the process is to cultivate an awareness of the Holy Spirit to guide your vocation in life. You will meet regularly with a mentor to explore how some of the principles of monastic life from the early Desert Fathers can help you live a more prayerful, fulfilling, and purpose-driven life.
For WORK: you will rotate through volunteer service with other monks as they undertake their regular work assignments. These may include: Liturgy, Carpentry, Black Smithing, Microbrewing, Summer Camp for kids, Gardening, Digital Media, Landscaping, Laundry Service, Sawmill Operations, Bees, Medical Care, Auto Maintenance, Fund Raising, Customer Service, Youth Ministry, Merchandising, Cooking, Chaplaincy, and numerous other opportunities.
For RECREATION: you will join the monks in their recreation period two times a week in the monastery, outings at our lake cabin, day trips for movies, fishing, concerts, metal detecting, arrow-head hunting, as well as other events.
For STUDY: you will engage in a weekly program of study that includes learning more about the Bible, the early Desert Fathers, various forms of Christian Spirituality, how to chant the Liturgy of the Hours, and how the Rule of St. Benedict can help guide your life.
Normally June to August, but your start and end dates may vary based upon your needs. Some may choose to spend a few months after graduation from high school or college, some may want to take a summer break during college, while others may want to use the summer program to begin or end a GAP year experience.
Nothing but your time and commitment.
In the monastery with the monks. You will have a private air-conditioned room with private shower in the monastery. You will have access to the internet and may use the recreation area of the monks.
With the monks in our 'refectory'. You will be provided three meals a day (breakfast, lunch, & supper) eating with the monks. You will also have access to snacks, sodas, and other items throughout the day.
Yes. In addition to the just all-around cool experience of a monastic immersion through a summer of prayer, work, recreation, and study, you also get some practical "worldly" benefits as well. As a structured volunteer service program with supervision, you can use the hours and experience on your résumé/curriculum vitae; applications for universities, jobs, and grants/scholarships; as well as for future letters of recommendation when required. To comply with the requirements of most higher education institutions, Abbot Elijah Owens, OSB, Ph.D., St.D. will serve as the supervisor of record.
Contact Abbot Elijah ([email protected]) who will walk you through the many opportunities the BVC program can offer. Abbot Elijah will oversee your application, safe environment training and background checks, and meet to ensure that the BVC service program can be of mutual benefit to you and the abbey. If it is, then our monastic community would be honored to welcome you for the summer into what St. Benedict called "the school of the Lord's service." UIOGD!