A NOTE OF THANKS: A college classmate of Br. Raban felt called to make a donation to us and we monks were happy to assist. Our monastery experienced two massive fires in our history that destroyed most of our libraries. Because we focused on the Academy library replenishment, our monastic library has only slowly rebounded. We have a little over 20,000 books at this point in time that are used not only by the monks and the students, but also the larger area where we regularly have Catholic and Protestant ministers use it as a valuable research resource. Thankfully, we have tried to set aside money for regular purchases of new books when possible. Large book series are rare for us to get, so we were deeply honored for the donation of the 29 volume Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture. This commentary allows a person to pick any scripture verse and then find how and where the Church Fathers used that passage in their writings. We can then access those writings in our available books or our Patrologia series both in print and online. Practically, the fruit of this is used in our homilies, writings, and personal devotion. Our librarian Fr. Richard, the Abbot, and all the monks want to thank this anonymous donor that gifted us with this series. Your donation will prayerfully be used by a generation of monks to come. UIOGD!