As part of our Praesidium safeguarding policy, SUBIACO requires all priests or deacons who would like to celebrate or concelebrate Mass, hear Confessions, lead retreats, celebrate any sacraments, or engage in any form of ministry, to submit in advance a 'Testimony of Suitability/Letter of Good Standing' from their Ordinary according to the norms established by the USCCB. Priests and deacons incardinated within the Diocese of Little Rock are not required to do so. To undertake any ministry on abbatial grounds requires the approval of the Abbot. Customarily, the ordained minister will arrange for a letter to be sent by email to the Abbot of Subiaco at the following address:
ABBOT ELIJAH OWENS, OSB Subiaco Abbey 405 N. Subiaco Avenue Subiaco, AR 72865 Email: [email protected]
Upon arrival at the Abbey, the minister will also submit their ID for a Raptor Safe Check which instantly compares their data against the registered sex offender databases for all 50 U.S. states and territories. This is the safeguarding prevention that we use for our Subiaco Academy school system as part of the protections for our students who live on our abbey grounds.
If the ordained minister is also undertaking some form of ministry outside the Abbey grounds but within the Diocese of Little Rock, then they will also need to comply with the policies of the Diocese of Little Rock listed under 'Vetting Policy for Visiting Clergy, Religious and Laity' as found HERE.